How big are the downloads?

The downloads run 2 GB to 5 GB per volume, which can be over 60 GB for all of Directing Actors in HD. If you're on a 4 Mbit connection, you can download approximately 1.8 GB per hour, which means that Directing Actors would take 30 hours to download.

Can I re-download if my hard disk crashes?

Yes, simply log in to your account and re-download.

Is there any DRM on the downloads?

No. We believe that DRM is evil, because it prevents you from watching the videos where it's best for you, it prevents you from making backup copies, and if Hollywood Camera Work suddenly no longer existed, you wouldn't even be able to play them anymore. DRM punishes the very people who did the right thing by buying the videos, and does very little to stop pirates. We want you to be free to use the videos in the best way for you, and we hope that you won't give out copies or upload it on the internet.

Do I have to pay sales tax?

We are incorporated in Italy, and only charge sales tax to European consumers, as well as Italian business (who get a refund after the fact). International customers as well as European businesses pay no sales tax. The tax-exempt status of European businesses is verified in the VIES system during checkout.

Can my school/college submit a purchase order?

We accept purchase orders from all major universities, K-12 schools, Community Colleges and professional schools in Europe, the US, and Canada. We require an email address on all purchase orders, or we can't complete the order form on our end. Please email purchase orders to Please do not snail-mail them, it's much slower.

Do I need a public performance license to show the courses in class?

We don't require a public performance license for face-to-face teaching of any of our courses. However, you can't stream the courses or make them available for download.

Do you protect my personal information? Will you spam me?

We don't share your information with anyone, and we don't send you emails any time a thought pops into our heads. We only send out an email if we have a new product, or if it's something really important, so you're looking at maybe 1 email a year. In each such an email, you can self-service remove yourself, and you'll never hear from us again unless you place a new order.

Do you store my credit card information?

Our payment processor stores credit cards, but we never know what your card number is, we only have an ID we can refer to. When you go through checkout, credit card entry happens on the payment processor's website.

What is the warranty?

See the Legal Notices page.

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